Solar Panel Price in Pakistan (2023)

Solar Panel Price in Pakistan (2023) – Learn About its Types, Benefits, and Manufacturers 

The trend of installing solar panels in Pakistan is increasing day by day. The main reason behind it is the high electricity rates.

However, as the demand for solar panels is increasing, the rates are also increasing bit by bit. So, do you have any idea about solar panel rates in Pakistan? If not don’t worry, as in this blog you will get all the details including the pros and cons of installing solar panels.

Solar Panel Price in Pakistan

As mentioned above the rates are not the same as before. Whether you are looking for local solar panel prices or Canadian solar panels price in Pakistan, you will see a clear difference.


Solar Panel Price in Pakistan

The price list is as follows:

Solar Plate Price in Pakistan | Canadian Solar Panels Price in Pakistan


Brand Name Capacity (Watt) Price
Twinsel 150 12,700 PKR
Sunmaxx 250 21,250 PKR
Maxpower 340 28,900 PKR
Trina 450 3,825,050 PKR
Longi 540 45,900 PKR
Canadian Solar 650 55,250 PKR
Local 150 11,700 PKR
Jinko Per Watt 83 PKR
Longi Per Watt 85 PKR
Branded Per Watt 80 to 85 PKR
Local Per Watt 70 to 80 PKR

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Top Solar Panel Manufacturers in Pakistan

Well in Pakistan, there are few known solar panel manufacturers, such as:

  • Reon Energy Limited
  • Shams Power
  • Alpha Solar
  • Pantera Energy Limited
  • Pakistan Solar Services
  • ZI Solar
  • Premier Energy (Pvt) Lmt.

As we all know that in Pakistan, the temperature stays high most of the year. This means the need for a cooling system increases. Now you cannot turn the cooling system on for the entire day. Because there is a load-shedding issue going on all around Pakistan. Also as mentioned before the electricity rates are very high.

In all these problems, the solar panel plays a role in providing comfort. You don’t have to worry about load-shedding or even electricity bills.

All you need to do is, learn how much energy is required at your home or in a commercial space on a daily basis and so on. After that consult it with the professionals and make installments accordingly.

Available Solar Panel Types in Pakistan

Well, these days in the market you can find multiple types of solar panels. The most popular and in-demand types are:

Thin-Film Panels

This is a type that is made up of photovoltaic cells. Within the panel, more than one layer of PVC is added to make a thin-film panel. The benefit of these panels is that they are quite efficient and flexible as compared to other types. You can use thin-film panels in multiple ways, such as portable or rooftop solar panels.


It is a type of solar panel that is made of only one silicon crystal. You can get an idea about it by reading its name too. This is a type of solar panel that is used in Pakistan the most. It is because these solar panel types have higher efficiency.


PERC stands for Passivated Emitter Rear Contact. It is a type of solar panel that is among the latest. This type has an extra layer of passivation, as it helps to decrease power losses.


As you have first learned about monocrystalline solar panels, now is the time to learn polycrystalline. It is a type that is made of multiple small crystals of silicon. However, as compared to the monocrystalline, this solar panel type is not much efficient. However, these solar panels are not very costly and can be manufactured easily.

Pros of Solar Panels

The perks of solar panel installation are many, such as:

  • There is no need to worry about load-shedding because solar panels generate electricity on their own. They absorb the sunlight and make energy.
  • It is a great source of generating electricity without worrying about high electricity bills.
  • No matter where you live, if there is a sun you will be able to have free electricity. You can also save energy for the night.
  • There is no need to worry much about solar panel maintenance, as it is not difficult and costly.

Cons of Solar Panels

The disadvantages of solar panel installation are many, such as:

  • If the weather is rainy or the sun is covered with clouds, the solar panel will not work well.
  • When you plan to install solar panels and other equipment required, you end up spending a lot of money.
  • You should have enough space in the house or office to install solar panels.


Even though there are a few disadvantages of solar panels, as it is expensive and all, still all this shouldn’t change your mind, as the long-term benefits of solar panels are unlimited. All you need is a bit of knowledge and for that, you can get in touch with experts or someone who has used solar panels before.

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