A Small Guide About Capital Smart City Harmony Park Villas

Established back in 2020, CSC is one of the most revolutionary projects in the real estate domain of Pakistan. From the location to the overall concept of the project, everything about Capital Smart City hints at a new age of real estate in Pakistan.

This project was launched back in 2018 by two of the most respectable real estate names in Pakistan. Capital Smart City is a joint venture of FDHL and HRL. Both companies are well-reputed and hold an international repute. They specialized in producing highly versatile structures which then became the talk of the town such as Harmony Park.

A Little Intro of Harmony Park

Harmony Park is among the most sophisticated blocks of Capital Smart City. Here you can find residential plots of different sizes and that too at an affordable rate. As per the management, they launched this block, specifically for the middle class. So, they can also invest in real estate and have the place of their dreams.

Before Harmony Park, the booking in CSC was a bit expensive. This is something that makes people think that this project is only for the rich. However, the perception of the people changed quickly, and all credit goes to the management in this regard. They have done a tremendous job in making sure people love this project.

Harmony Park Location

Now, moving on to the location of this block. Well, it is essential to learn about this too. We are sure that you all know the location of the smart city in Islamabad. However, many don’t know exactly where Harmony Park is.

The Harmony Park location is exactly opposite to Executive District 2. If we go more into the details, it is right next to the Overseas Central Block. This is something that makes Harmony Park the edge over other blocks. Anyone can access this block pretty easily.

Harmony Park Master Plan

Now moving on, why not learn a bit about the master plan of Harmony Park? You all know that the Capital Smart City payment plan is designed by a team of experts, who are the best in their work. The company that designed the master plan is known as Surbana Jurong.

When it comes to Harmony Park block, similar attention to detail was paid by the management on the master plan. Within the block, you will find everything in need but more. This block has villas, apartments, commercial units and even plots.

Also, you must know that Harmony Park block is divided into two sectors. Each sector has villas of different sizes. The details are:

Sector A

Sector A of Harmony Park is at one of the premium locations. Would you like to know about the exact location? Well, if you do want to, there is no need to go anywhere else. We will tell you right here, right now!

Sector A is on the northern end, close to Silicon Valley. It connects the sector with a 180 ft. wide main road. Moreover, the Sector is also linked with Hills View Height and Educational District.

Sector B

The Harmony Park Sector B is located right next to Sector A. These regions are separated by the availability of fine commercial sectors and other popular amenities such as:

  • Mosque
  • Park
  • International standard school

Sector B is directly accessible from the main interchange of M-1 Motorway and therefore is connected to the main boulevard of the society.

Available Plot Sizes in Harmony Park

Well, the plots/villas available in this block are of different sizes. The details are as follows:

Residential Plots

  • 3.5 Marla Villa Apartments
  • 5 Marla Villa Apartments

Commercial Plots

  • 2.66 Marla
  • 4 Marla

Capital Smart City Harmony Park Villas

The concept villas in Capital Smart City were introduced by the management recently. The idea is very new mainly in Pakistan. However, abroad the concept of villa apartments is pretty common. Furthermore, their residents even prefer to invest and live in them.

The management of CSC is trying to make this concept common in Pakistan too. After the launch of Harmony Park villas, the management was amazed to see the positive response.

The design of these villas is tremendous. For example, you can unlock the front door of the apartment from your fingerprint. Furthermore, they have many other features that will make the future residents mesmerized.

Amenities in Harmony Park Villas

There are various reasons why people need to invest in Harmony Park. But some of the main perks of investing in Harmony Park are as follows:

  • Indoor and Outdoor Surveillance
  • Smart Automation
  • Climate Control Sensors
  • Smart Switches
  • Remote Access and Smart Motion Sensors
  • Fully Operational Kitchens
  • Smart Appliances Integration
  • Tinted Windows and Doors
  • Tiles and Cabinets

Harmony Park Villas Variations

Two of the most famous variations of Harmony Park Villas which are available in the Capital Smart City Harmony Park are as follows:

  • 3.5 Marla Villa Apartment
  • 5 Marla Villa Apartment

Prices and Payment Plan

Moving on to the Harmony Park Villas payment plan, it is very much affordable as mentioned before. Before the launch of the payment plan, many assumed it was going to be expensive, however, management proved everyone wrong. Are you wondering how? Well simply look at the payment plan!

Plot Size Block Plot Type Booking Price Min. Profit Max. Profit

Harmony Park Residential

3.5 Marla Harmony Park Block Residential PKR 15,00,000 PKR 150,000 PKR 400,000
3.5 Marla Harmony Park Block Residential PKR 16,10,000 Level PKR 300,000
3.5 Marla Harmony Park Block Residential PKR 17,89,000 PKR 50,000 PKR 150,000

Harmony Park Commercial

2.66 Marla Harmony Park Block Commercial PKR 45,00,000 PKR 500,000 PKR 1,800,000
4 Marla Harmony Park Block Commercial PKR 105,00,000 PKR 1,000,000 PKR 2,000,000

Booking Details

Well, would you like to know about the booking details? If so here they are!

For now, the booking in the Harmony Park Block is closed by the management. However, there are other options available. You can get the details about them by contacting professionals like us.

Why Invest in Harmony Park?

Capital Smart City is one of the most famous projects of recent times. Harmony Park of the society is another popular development on the premises. Here are some of the main reasons why Harmony Park is a stellar investment opportunity.

Affordable Rates

One of the main reasons behind the success of this project is the affordable rates at which the project is being pitched. Despite the current inflation rates in the country, this project is something that is making sure that people of all income groups have access to high-quality real estate in Pakistan.

Great Potential for Investment

There is no denying the fact that Capital Smart City is changing the real estate scenarios of Pakistan. The establishments in this society are a great way to add more spark and color to the urban landscape. Moreover, the society is also promising a high return on investments which enhances the overall outreach of the project.

Prime Location

The main reason for the success of Capital Smart City is the prime location of the project. This one is located on M-1 Motorway which is the main road for both connectivity and better transportation across the city and inside the city.

Dedicated Developers

One of the most stand-out features of this project is that it is helmed by FDHL and HRL – two of the most recognized names in the real estate industry. Both companies are renowned and experienced in producing high-end structures.

Harmony Park Development Status (2023)

As we have discussed above as well, CSC is a product of two of the smartest and most well-developed names in the real estate industry of Pakistan. That is why it is not a tough nut to crack that people have a keen interest in these projects. This is one of the main reasons why the developers are making sure that the projects are being developed at an aggressive pace.

Just after the launch of the project, the makers ensured that the main foundation of the Capital Smart City Harmony Park was in full swing. That is why most of the structures which are to be made in this block of Capital Smart City have been made.

Some of the main development progress which has happened in this block are as follows:

  • The main grey structures of various villas in the harmony block are completed – promising the members that they will acquire possession soon.
  • A main banquet hall which is located in Harmony Block – will ensure the people that they can host various events. The grey structure of the hall is complete.
  • There is a grand Jamia mosque which is located in the executive district 2. The dome and its minaret structure are also completed.
  • The commercial zone of Harmony Park is also being developed at a rapid pace.

Final Words!

Hence the aforementioned context is a clear description of the fact that Capital Smart City Harmony Block is one of the most tempting sectors for investment in the society. From the prospects of development to the promise of a better return on investment, everything about this one is a treat for the residents and investors.

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